The story begins as our youngest daughter and I were reading a book on egg farming. In the book egg farms in the early 1900’s were called egg factories. Our daughter says, “Dad that would make a nice restaurant name” hence the name THE EGG FACTORY. Throughout the years my wife and I spent numerous hours putting together a concept of family tradition of providing good food and good feelings at a reasonable price. And on December 22nd, 2008 The Egg Factory was hatched in the elbow of the Shopko Plaza, at the corner of Fairview and Milwaukee in Boise, Idaho. And with no street visibility we began our journey. Within weeks it was clear we were onto something big. At first a trickle, and then a flood of people from the community came to see and experience this new “ concept” café. Something about The Egg Factory touched them in a very special way. Wives told husbands, husbands told business, pastors told their flocks, and the next thing we knew, The Egg Factory was the “go-to” place for breakfast and lunch in the area.
As family owned and operated, The Egg Factory is happy to bring the tradition of freshly made breakfast and lunch of your choice with our friendly staff that is devoted to making you feel comfortable in our warm, friendly café—see for yourself why The Egg Factory is offering something for everyone…